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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

It is known as, Search Engine Optimization, and it improves the optimization of the website’s visibility on the internet. This not only increases the traffic but the quality of the traffic as well.

It is known as, Search Engine Optimization, and it improves the optimization of the website’s visibility on the internet. This not only increases the traffic but the quality of the traffic as well.

It is known as, Search Engine Optimization, and it improves the optimization of the website’s visibility on the internet. This not only increases the traffic but the quality of the traffic as well.

It collects information on your website and determines if it is relevant to what the user is querying on the search engine.

There is no absolute answer but generally, it takes at least three months to take effect. It is based on the website’s quality, overall niche competition and other factors.

  • A mobile-friendly website
  • A website page’s loading speed
  • Relevant links to internal pages
  • Utilizing relevant keywords
  • Include title tags, headers, and meta descriptions on all pages
  • URL that is well structured
  • Include media such as images and videos on the webpage
  • Backlinks

Keywords allow search engine crawlers to look for relevant content which matches the term most.

Yes. This works if it is done with a focus on improving the value of the website and based on the SEO ranking factors. The blog should be kept up to date and relevant to the current trends.

  • Use keywords which match search intent
  • Content that is relevant
  • Provide headers and subheaders
  • Originality
  • Content that can keep the reader on the page

Yes. Youtube is owned by Google. Besides, Youtube has a few attractive points.

  • Able to generate traffic
  • Videos get more links, and backlinks are essential to SEO
  • People stay a long time on the website
  • Higher chance of purchasing after watching the product video
  • More social shares are generated with videos compared to the ones with only content

A backlink is a link from one site to another that acts as a ranking signal for search engines.

Content that is valuable such as studies, reference content, or skyscraper content provides data to back up others’ arguments.

Step 1: Use the SEO tool to make a list of keywords that might add value to the website.

Step 2: Analyze the contents of the websites shown when the keywords are entered into the Google search bar.

Step 3: Create content that is comprehensive for readers.

Step 4: Optimize your on-page SEO.

Step 5: Ensure that the content shown is hyper-relevant to the keywords and matches the reader’s search intent.

Step 6: Visualizations and graphs can be used for beautification purposes.

Step 7: Links have to be built to the content.

Step 8: Ensure the content is updated and optimized.

Yes. This can be shown by the most valuable information such as:

  • Top-ranking keywords
  • Web traffic
  • Visitor engagement
  • Domain score
  • On-page SEO
  • Number of backlinks

Besides, hiring an SEO marketing firm or utilizing a paid SEO tool can provide full competitor analysis.

White Hat SEO is a tactic that is ethical and obeys Google’s best practices.

Examples of White Hat SEO include:

  • A mobile-friendly site is made
  • Increasing speed of sites
  • High-quality content should be created
  • On-page SEO should be improved
  • Ensure easy navigation of the site
  • Create well-structured URLs

Black Hat SEO includes damaging tactics that get you in trouble such as:

  • Keyword stuffing
  • Content Spinning
  • Cloaking 
  • Link schemes
  • Sneaky redirects 

Statistics show that people tend to stay longer on a website if there is an embedded video which shows its importance of it. It is known that backlinks are a major ranking factor for Google. There are a few steps and key points:

Step 1: Pick the pages that you wish to rank in the search

  • It can be a homepage, landing page or blogging posts 

Step 2: For each page, define the keyword phrases

  • Use keywords that are commonly searched for

Step 3: Produce a video

  • e.g.: an overview of business, ways to help your clients, FAQs, testimonials, product demos etc

Step 4: Optimize the video and your page for your keywords

  • Repeat the keywords in the page by putting in your title, body text, alt text and description of video makes your page comprehensive and relevant to Google

Step 5: Embed the video

  • Embedded code from YouTube has to paste onto the page

Step 6: Promote the video and associate the page

  • Share the link of the page through Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, blogs

WordPress - Website Hosting

It is a content management system (CMS) which allows users to create websites, blogs and etc.

It is a content management system (CMS) which allows users to create websites, blogs and etc.

It is free for the first year for any hosting provider that is chosen and it has to be paid for in future. For WP engine (, it is totally free for the entire usage.

WordPress is highly ranked in Google and other search engines which means it will be shown on the first page of the result.

Yes. The plugins in WordPress are constantly updating which can prevent vulnerabilities. It is important for the user to use the latest version of WordPress.

No. It is used by many companies as an e-commerce site and even for personal use such as blogs.

Step 1: Choose a WordPress plan.

Step 2: Set up your domain name (website name) and hosting provider (e.g.

Step 3: Choose the theme that is suitable for your purpose.

Step 4: Add content to the website with posts and pages.

Step 5: Install plugins that fit your website.

Content Management System (CMS)

It is a software where the user can update the website by creating, editing and removing the pages by using any devices such as smartphones and laptops as long as there is an internet connection.

It is a software where the user can update the website by creating, editing and removing the pages by using any devices such as smartphones and laptops as long as there is an internet connection.

No. There are training courses available online. The user can use it without knowing any programming language.

There is no perfect solution. It is based on the user’s requirement as each CMS has a different design which suits different people.

Elementor - Drag and Drop Website Builder

It is one of the plugins in WordPress which works as a website builder that allows users to create a beautiful page visually.

It is one of the plugins in WordPress which works as a website builder that allows users to create a beautiful page visually.

Yes. Most of the plugins are compatible with it. 

Yes. The Elementor works well with the themes in WordPress.

The basic builder is free for all users.

Yes. Elementor Pro is available in WordPress which has more templates, bocks and elements that can enhance your website. However, there is a yearly subscription fee needed based on the plans shown below. The basic plan will be the “ESSENTIAL” plan which comes with 1 website activation. For more website activations, you can get the “EXPERT’, “STUDIO’ or “AGENCY” plan which all come with experts’ network profiles. This allows your Elementor projects to be showcased on their web community page and may get an opportunity for the next project. For the “STUDIO” and “AGENCY” plans, the user can enjoy a live chat with the VIP support team and get a priority response from them.

The user is allowed to design the parts of the theme using Elementor Pro and import or export the parts separately. Importing or exporting the whole theme containing all the theme parts is not allowed.

Step 1: Go to the bottom left of the Elementor Panel and click on the green Arrow Up button beside the Update button and save it as a template.

Step 2: Click on the WordPress left menu and go to Templates > Saved Templates.

Step 3: Go through the saved templates and the template that you wish to export and click on Export Template. By doing so, the template can be used on other websites. 

Step 1: Go to the bottom left of the Elementor Panel and click on the green Arrow Up button beside the Update button and save it as a template.

Step 2: Click on the WordPress left menu and go to Templates > Saved Templates.

Step 3: This will lead to the Saved Templates and you can upload the .json file by clicking on the Import Templates button at the top.

Once the Elementor page is saved as a template and exported in a .json file, it can be imported to the other website.

Yes. There is WordPress Multilingual Plugin (WPML) which allows translation into other languages.

Facebook Ads

Facebook provides robust and detailed analytics to see page likes, robust, post engagement, and which post brings the most interaction and traffic.

You can target the exact audience that are interested in your products. Facebook analyses the interest, beheaviour and demographics and age of the audience and directs them to you.

Facebook provides robust and detailed analytics to see page likes, robust, post engagement, and which post brings the most interaction and traffic.

You can target the exact audience that are interested in your products. Facebook analyses the interest, beheaviour and demographics and age of the audience and directs them to you.

There are 6 types of feeds that ads will pop on:

  • Feeds
  • Right column
  • Instant Articles
  • In stream videos
  • Stories
  • Marketplace
  1. Hop to your Facebook Account
  2. Look for the arrow that is at the top right corner of the page.
  3. Select “Create Ads”
  4. Now place the details of your ads and schedule them for upload immediately.

Violation of Community Standards

  • Inapprioiate content (Alcohol, Dating, Pronography, etc.)
  • Irrelevant ads
  • Misusing the Facebook brand
  • Abusing Facebook’s data collection

For more reasons, please head to the link HERE to Facebook’s Community guidelines.

  1. Go to Facebook Dropdown Menu at the top right menu
  2. Create a custom audience
    1. Customer File
      • Can be further customized through CSV or TXT file
    2. Website Traffic 
      • Create a list of people who have been to your website
    3. App Activity
      • Create a list of those who downloaded or viewed your application
    4. Offline Activity
      • Create a list of users that interacted with your business in-store
    5. Engagement List
      • Create a list of user who engaged with your online content


Hostinger allows web hosting at a very low monthly price and grants access to all parts of Hostinger. At higher prices, Hostinger is easily scalable to host unlimited traffic bandwidth, unlimited databases, and over 100 websites. Here is the list for Hostinger’s costing.

Hostinger allows web hosting at a very low monthly price and grants access to all parts of Hostinger. At higher prices, Hostinger is easily scalable to host unlimited traffic bandwidth, unlimited databases, and over 100 websites. Here is the list for Hostinger’s costing.

Hostinger implements an SSL Certificate that encrypts your connections. This is active when a Lock Icon is visible on the left of the browser bar. Additionally, Hostinger will frequently backup your service every week to prevent any losses.

  • Hostinger comes with email hosting, allowing faster responses. This email workspace created by Hostinger keeps all business-related emails organised.
  • Hostinger can be integrated with Google Workspace for a small extra payment. This grants access to Google’s powerful tools such as Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, Meet, Gmail, etc; each of which can improve your workflow with or without a team.
  • Hostinger allows you to claim your own unique domain name, making your service look better on Internet searches instead of having a random domain name that may turn users awayHostinger can integrate with Google Ads, allowing the website to generate additional revenue and boosting the website’s discovery rate on external websites, attracting more users
  • Hostinger implements usage monitoring and statistics, allowing detailed reports of the website to be produced for users to understand website analytics. This can be used to further improve the website based on the report’s feedback
  • Hostinger has very active customer support. No matter what Hostinger plan is chosen, every Hostinger user will have support for Git (version control system), access to Hostinger’s entire knowledgebase at, tutorials, webinars, etc. These tutorials are also available for WordPress, which is highly recommended to be integrated with Hostinger for easy website creation and hosting
  • Hostinger guarantees a 99.9% service uptime. If any problem arises, Hostinger estimates 20 minutes on average to resolve any issues

Google Ads

Google Ad allow the user to control how the money is spent. Besides google ads have a massive reach and the ad will be advertised on the website allow google ads that fit your ad and another google platform like YouTube. You only need to pay when someone clicks on the user ads.

Google Ad allow the user to control how the money is spent. Besides google ads have a massive reach and the ad will be advertised on the website allow google ads that fit your ad and another google platform like YouTube. You only need to pay when someone clicks on the user ads.

Firstly, the user must set up a google ad account. Then the user must put in the business-related information like business email and what kind of business. Later google will ask user for the budget user have and give solution to the user. Then the specify of target audience like age, gender, household income, parental status, industry, or even the trend.

Ads from google ads will appear in different places on the website that allow google ad placement like banners on top or the side. Some ads will also appear in video forms like video watching websites and YouTube.

The ad can stay advertise or stop based on the user which can be done on the google ad website.

Yes. Tt is efficient example like Apple use google ad to promote their product.

The cost will be charged based on the PPC (pay per click) and the cost of using google ads usually is really dependent on the user. The price will be affected by the specifics of the target audience the user wants or other specifications they want like geographic targeting or time of day.

  • Counterfeit goods
  • Dangerous products or services
  • Enabling dishonest behaviour
  • Inappropriate content
  • Abusing the ad network
  • Data collection and use
  • Misrepresentation

Google business allow business owner to control the ad about their business, allowing their business to be on the google map and ability to reply to reviews of the user on the google map or google related reviews.

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

HTML is a programming language that is use to display text, colour, graphic and hyperlink on the website and also can be known as the backbone of a website.

HTML is a programming language that is use to display text, colour, graphic and hyperlink on the website and also can be known as the backbone of a website.

HTML serve as the foundation markup of website creation, despite that a lot of new website creation tool has been more accessible, these tools still produce HTML in the end.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

CSS is a programming language that is used for style and layout the page. For example, changing the website font, colour, size, and add spacing to the content of the website.

CSS is a programming language that is used for style and layout the page. For example, changing the website font, colour, size, and add spacing to the content of the website.

CSS is being used because it controls all design-related aspects of the website.

Adobe XD

Adobe XD is a UI/UX design and collaboration tool. It can create and share designs for websites, mobile applications and other user experiences.

Adobe XD is a UI/UX design and collaboration tool. It can create and share designs for websites, mobile applications and other user experiences.

Adobe XD is suitable for designers of all backgrounds and experience levels. This includes those who are learning to design for the first time.

All Adobe applications are subscription-based. You can choose to subscribe to Adobe XD alone or the whole suite consisting of every Adobe application. Adobe XD alone cost SGD $13.14 or approximately MYR 41.50 per month. 

However, if you just planning to learn and study the tools of Adobe XD, there is a 7-day free trial which you can download from here.

The free version has all the design and prototyping features of the paid version, but the paid version is more for professionals where collaboration and sharing are done frequently.

Other than English, Adobe XD also supports French, German, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

  • Windows 10 Creator Update (64-bit) and later
  • macOS 10.13 and later

Within Adobe XD, there are a few tutorials already provided to help you familiarize yourself with the basics of Adobe XD. These tutorials are for designing, prototyping, component and collaboration features of Adobe XD.

If you already have a sketch or an idea in mind, you can download UI kits that can help you to design more quicker.


Yes. You can import existing works onto Adobe XD from Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop. Moreover, you can also import assets from other tools as long as the content is a JPG, PNG, GIF, or TIFF. To import existing work, head over to the FILE > IMPORT option.

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based graphics editor. It allows users to create artwork, graphs, logos, icons, and illustrations.
Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based graphics editor. It allows users to create artwork, graphs, logos, icons, and illustrations.
Adobe Illustrator is unlike other drawing applications due to the different format Adobe Illustrator works with when saving illustrations, which is using vector formats. It has its own advantages for website development, but new users might find the different drawing style to be difficult. With Adobe’s support however, you can get up to speed with Adobe Illustrator really quickly.
Adobe Illustrator stores artwork in a vector format, which are mathematical calculations for every node the user places. By simple multiplication, vector art can be scalable with zero loss in quality.
All Adobe applications are subscription-based. You can choose to subscribe to Adobe Illustrator alone or the whole suite consisting of every Adobe Application. Adobe Illustrator alone costs SGD $31.30 or approximately MYR 98.91 per month.
Other than English, Adobe Illustrator also supports French, German, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
  • Windows 10 Creator Update (64-bit) and later
  • macOS 10.13 and later

After buying Adobe Illustrator, you can gain access to Adobe’s full support page containing many tutorials to help you familiarize yourself with the basics of Adobe Illustrator. You also get support for any unexpected technical errors here.

Yes. You can export illustrations from Adobe Illustrator into other applications within the Adobe ecosystem. In this case, it includes Adobe XD and Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Illustrator supports importing and exporting files in the JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and etc. format. This can be done under FILE > IMPORT / EXPORT.

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a raster-based graphics editor. It allows users to create artwork, graphs, logos, icons, and illustrations.

Adobe Photoshop is a raster-based graphics editor. It allows users to create artwork, graphs, logos, icons, and illustrations.

Adobe Photoshop can be very familiar to users who are experienced in digital art. For users that have never used Adobe Photoshop, the basic functions are very straight forward.
Adobe Photoshop is one of, if not the most popular drawing software used by millions of people around the world. Users coming from Adobe Photoshop alternatives should be able to adapt to Adobe Photoshop’s interface very easily.
All Adobe applications are subscription-based. You can choose to subscribe to Adobe Photoshop alone or the whole suite consisting of every Adobe Application. Adobe Photoshop alone costs SGD $27.62 or approximately MYR 86.96 per month.
Other than English, Adobe Photoshop also supports French, German, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
  • Windows 10 Creator Update (64-bit) and later
  • macOS 10.13 and later

After buying Adobe Photoshop, you can gain access to Adobe’s full support page containing many tutorials to help you familiarize yourself with the basics of Adobe Photoshop. You also get support for any unexpected technical errors here.

Yes. You can export artwork from Adobe Photoshop into other applications within the Adobe ecosystem. In this case, it includes Adobe XD and Adobe Illustrator. Adobe Photoshop supports importing and exporting files in the JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and etc. format. This can be done under FILE > IMPORT / EXPORT.
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"The team is very nice and professional. Jun Hui and his team worked closely with us to provide a website that met all of the criteria that we were looking for. 10 out of 10 for sure.
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Jordan Yeo
Director of Mugen Design
"Reasonable pricing, Er Ya (the customer support) is very friendly, will definitely recommend my friends if they want to do a website in the future."
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